How to reset Dell SupportAssist driver detection

If you need to start Dell SupportAssist driver detection again, even if you did not install all drivers (or installed drivers manually from support webpage) you can do this:

Locate SQlite DB file – C:\ProgramData\SupportAssist\Client\Agent\db\SupportAssist.db

Open the file in SQlite editor – for example:

Check table “DriverInstallDetails” ->

SELECT * FROM 'DriverInstallDetails';

It should have list of drivers installed from table “DriverDetails” ->

SELECT * FROM 'DriverDetails';

If not, add rows using ->

INSERT INTO 'DriverInstallDetails' VALUES (%NEXT_ID%, "Installed","0001-01-01 00:00:00",1549184524,"UI",%DRIVER_ID_FROM_ 

Save DB and upload to the directory.

You can scan for drivers again!